• Lack of a Centralized Platform for Street Culture
• We create a unified ecosystem for various street culture forms, such as
beatboxing, rap, dance, and graffiti, where users can learn, compete, create
content, and earn from it.
• Limited Monetization Opportunities
Street culture, including beatboxing, is often confined to local events, and many artists
lack the ability to monetize their talents, learn, or compete with the best. Artists and
content creators have limited access to monetization through traditional platforms. We
offer a solution through clicks, NFTs, and content tokenization, as well as participation
in battles and competitions.
• Inefficient Integration of Technology and Culture
By leveraging blockchain technology and NFTs, we offer users a unique opportunity to
monetize their creativity and protect intellectual property using smart contracts.
• Lack of a Platform for Fans and Spectators
Beatland creates a space not only for artists but also for spectators, allowing them to
bet tokens on battle winners, participate in voting, and earn from their predictions.